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A blockchain is a distributed database that maintains an ever-growing list of transaction records. The database is extended chronologically linearly, similar to a chain, at the lower end constantly new elements are added (hence the term "block chain" = "block chain"). If one block is complete, the next one is created. Each block contains a checksum of the previous block.

The blockchain technical model was developed as part of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin - a web-based, decentralized, public accounting system for all Bitcoin transactions that have ever been made. 

The Bitcoin blockchain is growing steadily as new blocks of newly completed Bitcoin transactions are added. Each computer connected to the Bitcoin network, generating new bitcoins, and / or managing the previously generated ones manages a 1: 1 copy of the complete blockchain, which was already around 50 gigabytes in size by the end of 2015. More detailed technical information about the Bitcoin blockchain is available at Wikipedia 

Blockchain Development Company

Here is the list of top 10 blockchain developers you can use for your blockchain software development project.