The Best OBD II Car Tracking and Diagnostic Devices

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Incredibly best OBD II Car Tracking and Diagnostic Devices
After 30 hours of research, and months of testing eight GPS-equipped plug-in car tracking devicesalso because OBD II (on-board diagnostics) deviceswe think the Automatic Pro is the greatest for people who for you to track a car's location, record travel expenses, identify the cause of a check-engine light, or automatically get emergency help after a crash. With its smartphone app, the Automatic Pro is one of is usually to devices to use; it also provides clear trip reports and quickly identifies an engine's trouble codes. And unlike most models, it integrates with other apps to become even more versatile.
Like all of these devices, the Automatic Pro plugs into your car's diagnostic port (usually located near the steering wheel). The Automatic Pro doesn't offer as many real-time driving alerts as our other picks, but it could the most important anyone should expect from an OBD device. It grow a most expense-tracking options, as well, and it's one only two devices we tested that don't require you to pay a monthly subscription fee.
Verizon's Hum+ will be the easiest device in order to to call for help and the most beneficial for staying best of of your car's health, but continuing education a $30 activation charge plus a monthly subscription fee of $10. In The Best Tracking Devices for Kids to offering issue core features as our top pick, the Hum+ anyone to proactively scan your car for signs of trouble. It also includes a separate speaker/microphone unit that clips onto your car's sun visor and lets you make hands-free calls or quickly contact a repair shop or emergency response center by pressing a button (though, like our top pick, it can automatically call for help if it detects a crash). It can also send you alerts when it detects speeding, hard braking, or rapid acceleration, and when the car leaves or enters a specific locationthough if your primary intention is to a driver's behavior, the Autobrain is best for that role.
The Autobrain is less expensive up front compared to a Hum+ (though in addition, it requires a $10 monthly fee), nevertheless it's better for monitoring an inexperienced teen driver or a senior thanks to additional real-time alertsfor example, whenever automobile starts or travels during unauthorized a long time. The Best Tracking Devices for Kids calls for help in an accident, like our other picks, but it can be the only device we tested which reminds you to check for a baby in the car every time you turn off you can. However, The Best Tracking Devices for Kids 's not just like for tracking driving expenses as our top pick, and in contrast to our upgrade pick, it doesn't proactively scan for car problems or will include a speakerphone module to make manually calling for help easier.