Stonebutt Wow Adventures

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Haven't posted here in a very long time. My son's a teenager now, and my daughter is 11. What a perfect time to start playing WoW Classic!

We've already played on two separate sets of "Vanilla WoW" servers. We only wanted to show the kids what WoW was like at first. We all got to around level 25. Then we all played Final Fantasy 14 for a while. Stegasilas got bored with it. The storyline takes too long to play through and the early game content is so easy you can faceroll it. So we eventually stopped that.

Turns out, the kids actually liked Vanilla Wow more than FF14. Classic WoW came out, but I was convinced the kids would never play very much so I was determined not to pay $60 per month for the four of us to play. Again, we got to level 25 when I realized something: there was hardly any population on this Vanilla WoW server.

I decided to pay for a Classic account for one month and see what the population was like on a PvP server. I was floored. Stormwind's trade district was overflowing with players. We all made the decision, together, to switch to Classic WoW. This meant abandoning yet another set of level 25 characters. Oh well.

The four of us are adventuring, one more time. But I don't think we'll start over again. Serverlist101 'll talk more about our characters in my next post.