Daintree Residence Designer Authorities Website

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The Daintree House is essentially a leasehold advancement by Malaysia based designer called SP Setia and it's 99-years old. The Daintree House is just a short ignore Bukit Timah Plaza and the Appeal World MRT station situated on the Downtown Line. Driving to and from the Daintree Residence place will not be an issue. The range from the expressways and main roads are thought about upon building and construction of the Daintree Home, that makes it easier for residents with vehicles to drive in and out of the website.

Other than on the south-east where Daintree Residence neglects landed homes at Lorong Kismis, the remainder of the website is nearly entirely surrounded by other low-rise 5-storey condominiums & apartment or condos. Daintree Home new apartment is located within the domestic and preparation estate of Bukit Timah in the Central Region of Singapore. Bukit Timah includes some of the highest densities of private real estate in the nation, with high-end condominium systems cost costs that match the appeal of the area and their internal facilities.< <!DOCTYPE html><br/><br/><html xmlns=

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