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閉經是沒有月經期的醫學術語。在十幾歲的女孩中,它描述了一個到16歲還沒有開始第一次月經的人。對於以前經期的女性來說,它指的是不存在三個以上的自然月經週期。 (1)<br />閉經不是一種疾病,但在某些情況下,可能是另一種疾病的症狀。健康女性在懷孕,哺乳,使用某些避孕藥具或在絕經前的這段時間(稱為圍絕經期)經歷過跳過期時,可能會發生這種情況。<br />但是在其他女性中,閉經可能是麻煩的信號,特別是如果月經遺漏並伴有其他症狀。 (1)<br />絕經期與更年期:看一下差異正常嗎?什麼是雌激素?閉經的跡象和症狀醫生將閉經分為兩種類型。 [http://twitter.com/home?status=http://xurl.es/29a48 HoMan] (有時甚至14歲)月經的女孩的狀況。<br />繼發性閉經通常是指以前有正常週期的女性錯過三個月或更短的時期。 (2)<br />沒有月經出血被標記為“閉經”。但在某些情況下,它還伴有其他症狀,表明存在潛在疾病。例如,除了缺乏一段時間外,女性可能還有過多的面部毛髮,頭痛,脫髮,視力改變或其他症狀。在這種情況下,由您的醫療保健提供者檢查尤為重要。 (1)<br />一些婦女的周期很短,可能不會持續很長時間。如果有任何出血,則不視為閉經。<br />相關:您的月經是否正常?<br /><br /><br />閉經的原因和危險因素當女性懷孕或哺乳時,自然會發生閉經。使用某些避孕藥具或進入絕經期的婦女(在其絕經期的前幾年)也可能會經歷幾個月的月經期。<br />在其他女性中,閉經是體內激素系統破壞的跡象。這可能是由於某些行為引起的,例如過度運動,飲食失調或承受巨大壓力。通常,當行為被逆轉時,月經期將恢復。 (3)<br />最受歡迎的方法如何最好地跟踪和計算月經週期PCOS的症狀是什麼?如何診斷健康狀況?絕經和圍絕經期的10種症狀酵母菌感染的最佳治療方法是什麼?使用(或濫用)某些藥物,包括抗精神病藥或抗精神病藥治療某些癌症的藥物,也可以讓您停止一段時間。 (4)<br />有時,由於其他原因會導致功能障礙。荷爾蒙問題可能會使以前正常的女性停止月經,也可能是原發性閉經的原因,而月經尚未開始。<br />引起閉經的常見激素問題包括:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />*內分泌失調,尤其是多囊卵巢綜合徵(PCOS)<br />*各種激素產生腺體的功能障礙或腫瘤,例如下丘腦,垂體或甲狀腺<br />*原發性卵巢功能不全(也稱為卵巢早衰)有時,原發性閉經是由於生殖系統的先天性解剖異常或遺傳性疾病(例如脆性x綜合徵)引起的。 (3)<br />全國性日是10月10日。月經正義運動正在不斷發展,以提高人們對消除週期性貧窮的認識,並消除這種貧窮。……了解如何診斷閉經?飲食和運動習慣,以及您可能正在服用的任何藥物或補品。 (5)<br />您還需要報告您的典型月經週期,包括自您上一次月經以來已有多長時間。這就是為什麼所有女性都可以使用日曆或專門為此目的設計的周期跟踪應用程序定期跟踪自己的周期是明智的。<br />您還將進行骨盆檢查以檢查身體缺陷。如果懷疑患有原發性閉經的青少年有先天缺陷,則可以進行骨盆超聲檢查。<br />通常也進行血液測試,包括妊娠測試以及那些可以測量多種激素的測試,例如雌二醇,促卵泡激素(FSH),促黃體激素(LH),甲狀腺激素等。 (5)<br />如果這些檢查未能發現閉經的原因,則可能需要進行頭部CT掃描或MRI檢查以尋找腫瘤。<br />相關:定期日記如何幫助您的健康<br />閉經的最新研究探索了治療經前煩躁不安(PMDD)的有前途的新方法更年期過渡是嚴重心髒病風險的時期20每位有健康意識的女性都應購買自己的自理禮物避孕藥可能會降低嚴重哮喘的風險閉經的病因已查明並治療,月經期應恢復。<br />有時,它需要停止導致缺乏時間的行為,例如過度運動,過於瘦弱或肥胖或承受太大壓力。 (4)<br />避孕藥也可能導致閉經。這並不危險,通常在您停止服用或使用它們後約三個月,您的月經會恢復。 (3)<br />相關文章:月經:用於描述症狀,測試,治療等的詞彙表<br />閉經的治療和藥物選擇由於錯過的時期可能有很多不同的情況,因此治療方法因病因而異。範圍包括藥物治療,行為改變,有時甚至是手術。<br />藥物選擇<br /><br />*通常開避孕藥或其他類型的激素藥物,以重新啟動離家的月經週期。<br />*如果確定PCOS是導致閉經的原因,則可以根據治療的目標使用檸檬酸克羅米芬療法或其他藥物。<br />*雌激素替代療法(ERT)可以用於診斷為原發性卵巢功能不全的女性。 (6)<br />*旨在縮小某些腫瘤的藥物<br />*根據您的醫療專業人員確定引起月經問題的疾病,還可以開處方其他藥物。 (5)手術選擇閉經手術並不常見,但在某些情況下可能建議使用。<br /><br /><br />*子宮瘢痕切除術去除因剖宮產,事先醫療程序,子宮內膜異位症或其他情況引起的瘢痕組織可能有助於治療閉經。<br />*如果藥物治療不成功,有時需要手術縮小垂體瘤。 (6)替代和補充療法當不健康的生活方式因素引起閉經時,轉變為更健康的生活方式可以使規律的周期恢復。 (6)<br /><br /><br />*對於嚴重超重或體重不足的女性,健康的飲食可以達到更健康的體重指數(BMI),並恢復您的經期。<br />*適當的運動量對於那些經常運動且減肥過多的女性(包括競技運動員和舞蹈演員)很有用。<br />*減輕壓力是保持時間流逝的重要方法。評估生活中哪些方面造成壓力,並查看是否可以改變它們。諸如基於正念減壓(MBSR)之類的程序旨在幫助您。編輯精選雌激素是什麼?雌激素,雌二醇和雌三醇是雌激素的三種主要類型....了解更多預防閉經以最好地調節月經週期,保持健康的體重並做適當的運動。 (2)<br />如果您遇到任何已知會導致閉經的症狀,您將希望立即與您的醫療保健專業人員見面,以防止疾病惡化並引起長期的閉經。<br />閉經的並發症沒有一段時間可能並不意味著健康問題。但是,如果沒有自然的解釋,則可能表明您的荷爾蒙或生殖系統無法正常工作。閉經的風險因女性的雌激素狀態而異。低雌激素可導致不孕或骨質疏鬆,而子宮內膜癌與高雌激素水平有關。 (7,8)<br />包括閉經的幾種潛在疾病可能會導致嚴重的並發症。<br />例如,未經治療的PCOS可能會導致不育。 (9)患有PCOS的女性經常有胰島素抵抗;他們的身體無法有效使用胰島素,從而增加了患2型糖尿病的風險。 (10)<br />如果您不小心使用節育措施,意外懷孕可能是閉經的並發症。即使您不定期,仍然有可能懷孕。 (2)<br />研究與統計:誰會發生閉經?絕經期不是由懷孕,母乳喂養或更年期等自然事件引起的,在整個生命週期中,只有不到5%的女性發生過閉經。 (1)閉經的相關情況和原因<br /><br />*厭食<br />*母乳喂養<br />*貪食症<br />*下丘腦腫瘤<br />*不孕症<br />* 胰島素抵抗<br />* 代謝綜合徵<br />*骨質疏鬆<br />*圍絕經<br />*懷孕<br />*原發性卵巢功能不全(又名卵巢早衰)<br />*垂體瘤<br />*多囊卵巢綜合徵(PCOS)<br />*甲狀腺腫瘤<br />* 2型糖尿病我們愛的資源尤妮絲&middot;肯尼迪&middot;史瑞佛美國國家兒童健康與人類發展研究所<br />包括對青少年和成年女性原發性和繼發性閉經的全面綜述。<br />默克手冊<br />這份備受推崇的專業醫學資源也有針對消費者的閉經詳細章節。<br />編輯來源和事實核查<br />*閉經。 Eunice Kennedy Shriver國家兒童健康與人類發展研究所。 2017年1月31日。<br />*閉經:您應該知道的。美國家庭醫師。 2006年4月15日。<br />*平克頓合資公司。閉經。默克手冊專業版。 2019年7月。<br />*月經不調-次要。國家醫學圖書館。<br />*缺月期-主要。國家醫學圖書館。<br />*閉經有哪些治療方法? Eunice Kennedy Shriver國家兒童健康與人類發展研究所。 2017年1月31日。<br />*閉經:症狀和原因。梅奧診所。 2019年7月25日。<br />*丁DC,陳偉,王建華等。多囊卵巢綜合徵與子宮內膜癌,卵巢癌和乳腺癌之間的關聯:台灣一項基於人群的隊列研究。藥物。 2018年9月。<br />*多囊卵巢綜合症(PCOS)。梅奧診所。<br />* PCOS和糖尿病。疾病預防與控制中心。 2020年3月24日<br /><br />
<br />Biodynamic massage is known as Psychotherapy via the nervous system and when you're already into talking-based Psychotherapy then you might find it a helpful adjunct to this work. These specialized massages have been developed especially to address and assist process the connection saved in the body cells at all active amounts: bone, muscle, fascia and even skin. This is definitely the very best method used by the practitioner in handling clients and additionally, it assists them in developing a harmonious relationship with all the sections of the human system. It's not only a typical massage that may be powerful; it's the very most effective therapeutic massage as it enables the customer achieve deep mobile relaxation, balance and harmony. [https://zenwriting.net/scenttruck18/whats-watsu 마사지알바] For people who wish to enjoy all of the important health benefits that are supplied by this type of massage afterward it's a good idea to seek professional out services from a certified practitioner in this subject.<br /><br />We frequently ask what's the consequence of Biodynamic massage on their health? Many folks find it quite relaxing throughout the treatment. The result is comparable to being absorbed by a hot and reassuring waterfall. As the session progresses, the human system will start releasing tension and tension. That is the reason the nervous system and the muscular structures will start adjusting themselves and getting healed and balanced. Soon , you will find that you feel better and you will be surprised how you feel, look and behave just like after undergoing the treatment.<br /><br />There are a lot of individuals who find the remedy very soothing and they have noticed they drop into a really deep sleep after having the treatment. Some people who have obtained biodynamic massages claim they are more energized than previously. Others assert that they have found it rather soothing and they're extremely pleased after obtaining the massage. The masseuse may initiate the session by focusing on their focus on the muscles and connective tissues. To be able to attain this, then he or she will concentrate their hands deep inside the muscle tissue. He or she'll then make these regions loosen and he will utilize slow strokes on these areas.<br /><br />Individuals who undergo this type of therapy are usually those who have been through some type of traumatic experience. The trauma may have been brought on by psychological, physical or mental stress. The biodynamic massage gets the capability to reduce the stress hormone levels and this is the effect of relieving the client. This can be very helpful for clients who take medication for high blood pressure or other kinds of diseases. It is also beneficial for folks that need psychotherapy because they'll feel more relaxed after this treatment. The effect of this biodynamic therapy is extremely powerful, so there is no doubt that the individual receiving the treatment will feel very relaxed and his or her body will begin reacting positively.<br /><br />One other terrific thing about the biodynamic massage is that it has the power to take care of all types of accidents. Because of the deep drainage procedure that happens through the treatment, it is also able to be certain that the person does not have an unprotected disk or some other spinal problems that could cause severe injury. There are a great deal of patients who go back to the therapist for this type of psychotherapy because it is extremely helpful in reducing stress and stress which are often a part of these causes of sports-related injuries.<br /><br />The practice of'biodynamic massage' also has the impact of raising self-regulation. This usually means you will be able to control your body and you'll be able to continue to keep your system in a state of optimum health. Actually, you can even go as far as preventing any injuries from happening. This is thanks to the different massages which are supplied to the client during the session.<br /><br />There are a variety of things which constitute the numerous kinds of massages that are used for the use of'biodynamic massage'. One of those things is using'sonopuncture' that is where stress is applied to each individual part of the human body to be able to arouse the different points which have an effect on different areas of the customer's body. Other items that are involved in the procedure include the use of reflexology and acupressure so as to arouse the ideal pressure points.<br /><br />Another thing that could be said about the effect of an biodynamic massage is it is totally natural. There are no substances used and no radicals have been introduced to the computer system. It is possible to find gerda boyesen's goods in local holistic recovery shops. You ought to look for a product known as'journeying', which is a type of this sort of treatment that's based on the idea that your body goes through a travel throughout its life.

Revision as of 22:32, 12 January 2021

Biodynamic massage is known as Psychotherapy via the nervous system and when you're already into talking-based Psychotherapy then you might find it a helpful adjunct to this work. These specialized massages have been developed especially to address and assist process the connection saved in the body cells at all active amounts: bone, muscle, fascia and even skin. This is definitely the very best method used by the practitioner in handling clients and additionally, it assists them in developing a harmonious relationship with all the sections of the human system. It's not only a typical massage that may be powerful; it's the very most effective therapeutic massage as it enables the customer achieve deep mobile relaxation, balance and harmony. 마사지알바 For people who wish to enjoy all of the important health benefits that are supplied by this type of massage afterward it's a good idea to seek professional out services from a certified practitioner in this subject.

We frequently ask what's the consequence of Biodynamic massage on their health? Many folks find it quite relaxing throughout the treatment. The result is comparable to being absorbed by a hot and reassuring waterfall. As the session progresses, the human system will start releasing tension and tension. That is the reason the nervous system and the muscular structures will start adjusting themselves and getting healed and balanced. Soon , you will find that you feel better and you will be surprised how you feel, look and behave just like after undergoing the treatment.

There are a lot of individuals who find the remedy very soothing and they have noticed they drop into a really deep sleep after having the treatment. Some people who have obtained biodynamic massages claim they are more energized than previously. Others assert that they have found it rather soothing and they're extremely pleased after obtaining the massage. The masseuse may initiate the session by focusing on their focus on the muscles and connective tissues. To be able to attain this, then he or she will concentrate their hands deep inside the muscle tissue. He or she'll then make these regions loosen and he will utilize slow strokes on these areas.

Individuals who undergo this type of therapy are usually those who have been through some type of traumatic experience. The trauma may have been brought on by psychological, physical or mental stress. The biodynamic massage gets the capability to reduce the stress hormone levels and this is the effect of relieving the client. This can be very helpful for clients who take medication for high blood pressure or other kinds of diseases. It is also beneficial for folks that need psychotherapy because they'll feel more relaxed after this treatment. The effect of this biodynamic therapy is extremely powerful, so there is no doubt that the individual receiving the treatment will feel very relaxed and his or her body will begin reacting positively.

One other terrific thing about the biodynamic massage is that it has the power to take care of all types of accidents. Because of the deep drainage procedure that happens through the treatment, it is also able to be certain that the person does not have an unprotected disk or some other spinal problems that could cause severe injury. There are a great deal of patients who go back to the therapist for this type of psychotherapy because it is extremely helpful in reducing stress and stress which are often a part of these causes of sports-related injuries.

The practice of'biodynamic massage' also has the impact of raising self-regulation. This usually means you will be able to control your body and you'll be able to continue to keep your system in a state of optimum health. Actually, you can even go as far as preventing any injuries from happening. This is thanks to the different massages which are supplied to the client during the session.

There are a variety of things which constitute the numerous kinds of massages that are used for the use of'biodynamic massage'. One of those things is using'sonopuncture' that is where stress is applied to each individual part of the human body to be able to arouse the different points which have an effect on different areas of the customer's body. Other items that are involved in the procedure include the use of reflexology and acupressure so as to arouse the ideal pressure points.

Another thing that could be said about the effect of an biodynamic massage is it is totally natural. There are no substances used and no radicals have been introduced to the computer system. It is possible to find gerda boyesen's goods in local holistic recovery shops. You ought to look for a product known as'journeying', which is a type of this sort of treatment that's based on the idea that your body goes through a travel throughout its life.